Spring 2023: First Laby­ss pop-up at Den Frie Cen­tre for Con­tem­porary Art

Per­for­man­ce and instal­la­tion pro­du­ced with Toa­ster and Den Frie Cen­tre for Con­tem­porary Art. 

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Spring 2022: Resi­den­cy Art hub Copenhagen

For one month we deve­l­oped a game that through an algo­rit­h­mic logic can unlo­ck par­ti­ci­pants’ memo­ri­es. The resi­den­cy ended with a two-day wor­ks­hop with par­ti­ci­pants from the IT Uni­ver­si­ty of Copen­ha­gen, the Facul­ties of Law and Com­pu­ter Sci­en­ce at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Copen­ha­gen and pro­fes­sio­nals from the per­for­m­ing arts wor­ld. This research led up to the pro­duction of Labyss.

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Spring 2021: Development

Resear­ching the use of algo­rit­h­mic and bio­me­tric tech­no­lo­gies in 2021. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, we inve­sti­ga­ted the use of iris scan­ning as a tool to moni­tor and pos­sibly con­trol migrants and wor­kers in the wor­k­pla­ce. We cre­a­ted a seri­es of test per­for­man­ces with the goal of cre­at­ing nar­ra­ti­ves wit­hin an algo­rit­h­mic struc­tu­re. Among other thin­gs, we used per­so­na­li­ty testing systems such as OCEAN — used by Facebook.

The research pro­ject was done in col­la­bo­ra­tion with cre­a­ti­ve pro­gram­mer Johan Bichel Lin­de­gaard, Husets Tea­ter and The Danish Socie­ty of Engineers

The deve­l­op­ment pro­gram­me is sup­por­ted by the Danish Arts Foundation


Win­ter 2020: Semi­nar by Inge­ni­ør­for­e­nin­gen IDA (IDA)

2020: The COVID-19 situ­a­tion saw an increa­sed use of algo­rit­h­mic tech­no­lo­gies to moni­tor and mea­su­re citizens, and the­se tech­no­lo­gies were legi­ti­mi­sed and dis­se­mi­na­ted as neces­sary tools to con­trol the virus.

This rai­ses questions about what trans­la­tes into code and what the impli­ca­tions of this increa­sing use of algo­rit­h­mic tech­no­lo­gies in our eve­ry­day lives mean.

In this semi­nar we pre­sen­ted research and per­specti­ves on the­se questions from tech­no­lo­gi­cal, mat­he­ma­ti­cal, cri­ti­cal and arti­stic points of view.


“Trau­ma explai­ned for robots” by Sama­ra Sal­lam, visu­al artist, film­ma­ker, per­for­mer and coder

“Engi­ne­e­ring Stupi­di­ty: the limits of sur­veil­lan­ce and self-tra­ck­ing” by Migu­el Sicart, Asso­ci­a­te Pro­fes­sor, Head of Cen­tre, Digi­tal Design, at the IT Uni­ver­si­ty of Copenhagen

“All models are wrong, but some are use­ful — On the myth of an all-see­ing algo­rit­h­mic eye (What do “they” know about us and who are “they”?)” by Iri­na Shk­lovski, Pro­fes­sor of Human-Cen­te­red Com­pu­ting at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Copenhagen

“Wor­ri­ed but opti­mi­stic: Data model­ling of the spre­ad of COVID-19 in the popu­la­tion and its nar­ra­ti­ves” by Uffe Høgs­bro Thy­ge­sen, Asso­ci­a­te Pro­fes­sor at DTU Compute

The semi­nar was orga­ni­sed with the Danish Socie­ty of Engi­ne­ers (IDA) and sup­por­ted by the Danish Arts Foundation.